Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Revisiting the Funeral Homes

We were waiting for our turn because
someone was there before us 
Last Sunday, we went to Ogden Funeral Homes where Alanna's visitation was done. We got a letter from them a few weeks back inviting us to come to the funeral home to light a Candle of Remembrance in memory of our dear beloved Alanna. For the month of December, they have this special area where bereaved families can stop by and light a candle so before Christmas we thought of visiting Ogden to light a candle and to  remember our missed baby Alanna. 
Alanna's Big brother writing on the guestbook.
He lit a candle for his little baby sister Alanna.
It was his first time lighting a candle 
using matchsticks ♥♥ We had few laughs when
he tried to lit it up. He ended up using the 
other burning candle to lit the matchstick. 
Alanna's big sister saying a little prayer
and doing her little speech ♥♥, talking
to Alanna in her own way. Almost made
me cry because she was so shy but she
said she missed her and greeted her
"Merry Christmas"
We miss you baby Alanna. It is heartbreaking to go back to a place where people came to visit our baby daughter for the first and last time to remember and pay respect. I still remember those people who came. Flashbacks-- sad and happy thoughts came. It is sad to think what took place on that place but I am happy that family, relatives and close friends came to sympathize and support our family during those hard times. 
Me and my daughter lit a candle for
our missed baby Alanna
@ Ogden Funeral Homes

We also got a special souvenir ornament that we can hang on our Christmas Tree this Christmas from Ogden Funeral Homes. ♥♥♥
from Ogden Funeral Homes


  1. What a lovely little ceremony. Thank you for sharing photos. I love the little ornament too

  2. I'm so glad you and your kids were able to go and light a candle for Alanna <3


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